statement shoes...
Wow wow wow those are incredible!
yes i think they can look good!justbuit.blogspot.combisousannabu
No, not weird... they look awesome with this outfit!
all day yes!-JB
They look awesome, she certainly pulls them off (so I suppose you can too!)
yeah, they were hot once ...they'll be hot again. everything comes back around.
killer shoes ^^
Wow, those are some seriously wicked platforms! xx
no man i so get what you mean, want her outfit all!!!!
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statement shoes...
Wow wow wow those are incredible!
yes i think they can look good!
No, not weird... they look awesome with this outfit!
all day yes!
They look awesome, she certainly pulls them off (so I suppose you can too!)
yeah, they were hot once ...they'll be hot again. everything comes back around.
killer shoes ^^
Wow, those are some seriously wicked platforms! xx
no man i so get what you mean, want her outfit all!!!!
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