Sunday, 16 August 2009

minkpink me

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i'm sorry to whoevers blog introduced me to this, i forgot. i now love some items from minkpink label.

sorry for the bad quality photos.


Katrina said...

stunning outfits!

tobaccoandleather said...

and i didn't even know it was you!

i saw it on my dashboard and thought, what the hell is 408?! Looks good mate, love the simplicity of it. I am still jet lagged, all out of wak, it's crap! still havent unpacked either

i went rhought my diary of last week and completely forgot that we went in Christian Laboutin, im looking up those shoes right now!


tobaccoandleather said...

p.s. i think it may have been Circa Now you saw these on!

love you!
